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Unread Jul 20th, 2015, 02:13 pm
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: Alveolar plosive, and alveolar stop also.

The sound you're talking about is called the yod, and it's IPA symbol is/j/ - but you're right in everything you say about it. The change you're talking about is called yod coalescence, so the pronunciation of the words in your examples might be :

about you : /əbaʊt juː/ or /əbaʊːʧuː/
not yet : /nɒt jet/ or /nɒʧet/
cooked yet: /kʊkt jet/ or /kʊkʧet/

And as an example of yod coalescence with a /d/ sound , the final two words in Have you heard yet? could be /hɜːd jet/ or /hɜːʤet/
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