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Unread Jun 25th, 2015, 01:44 am
Nightedge Nightedge is offline
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Default to train a student for research

-In my project, I am given additional funding to train up one student on doing research. I want to employ a student who is good in French. He will receive some salary on a monthly basis, USD$2500/month (10 months in total). I believe it is a good learning opportunity.

He may need to work 10 to 15 hours per week. Not necessary to appear “physically” at my centre office. Most of the work can be worked at home.

Great if he can assist in conducting interviews, transcription, and proof-reading.

1. Is it correct to say 'train up', 'good in', and 'work can be worked'?

2. Is it correct to say 'conduct transcription, proof-reading, etc.'?
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