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Unread May 25th, 2015, 07:40 am
Alex80 Alex80 is offline
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Default Just or Already?

Hi everyone.My question is:Why's "already" was chosen over "just" in the following, according to a textbook I've read.Do the underlined words denote that "already" is preferred ? esp. when you surprise the person of something he/she didn't know.
1.Would you like to come to see the film with us? Thanks for asking,but I've already seen it.
2.Look at the noticeboard.There's an advert for English courses. I know, I've already seen it.
3.If you see John, can you ask him about tonight? He can come.I've already asked him.
(but/Iknow/He can come)
Plus, can I replace "seen" with "watched" in 2.Please I need some explanation.
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