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Unread Apr 3rd, 2015, 10:15 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: how the language is used in the UK

No, both are fine. By fronting "myself" in this way you emphasise it. I can't remember exactly what Kell said, but it involved a contrast with what his opponent said - so the fronting "alerts" the listener to the change of focus. It was something like :

Khan wants to delay the fight - but meself, I just want to get into the ring.

It has the same meaning/effect as starting the clause with "personally" :
Khan wants to delay the fight - but personally, I just want to get into the ring.

Here's an example that I found in a novel on Google Books :

"Yes, very impressive" he agreed drily. "But then, it is designed to be. However, myself I prefer the less - shall we say tourist-inhabited places of the city."
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