1. The main thing you need to do now is gain experience - and learn from it. Keep a learning diary where you reflect on how your lessons went and why; video your lessons and watch them critically; ask an experienced/more qualified colleague to sit in and take notes then give you feedback; if you can, video the lesson
and watch it through with an experienced colleague "pulling it to pieces" as you go; ask your more experienced colleagues if you can sit in on and watch their lessons - take notes of anything they do differently from you and the reactions they get from their students - then ask them afterwards about what they did and why; ask your students for feedback after every lesson : it doesn't have to be complex - just ask them to list under a happy smiley three things they likes about the lesson and, under an unhappy smiley, three things they didn't like or think could have been improved.
2. Read and watch videos. Get hold of any books on your course reading list that you didn't have time for before and read them; Google EFL blogs and follow them; watch the videos on teaching on sites like the British Council's Teaching English (Google it); use the hashtag EFL on Twitter to get to even more stuff and follow the things you like best.
That should keep you going for a while .....