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Unread Jan 25th, 2015, 10:29 am
mycupoftea mycupoftea is offline
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Join Date: Jan 25th, 2015
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mycupoftea is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Is anyone familiar with the Helen Doron schools?


I see that this thread is a year old, but I wonder if I could revive it to ask a question?

A Helen Doron school local to me have a job opening advertised on a forum for English speakers in the city (a new advert, posted yesterday). However when I look directly at the school's own website under "jobs" there is only a description of their short training course which, it states, could lead to a well paid and fulfilling job...

Can anybody who has worked for Helen Doron tell me whether an applicant for a job with Heleln Doron schools is expected to begin by paying out of their own pocket for a 6 day training course? I am happy to take a 6 day training course unpaid if I know I begin paid work upon satisfactory completion of the course, but I am not willing to pay to be allowed to work!

It seems there are a lot of scams out their disguised as salaried job opportunities, and in fact the advertiser wishes to sell a franchise or training. I realise that whatever else it is Helen Doran is a "real" chain of language schools, but can anyone tell me whther applying for a position with them will lead to a hard sell on a training course the applicant has to pay for?

Thank you!
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