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Unread Jan 11th, 2015, 06:51 pm
zoltankr zoltankr is offline
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Default American English Word Stress

Hi, this question: Can I be frank?

phonetically looks like:
kæn aɪ bi fræŋk

Can is a modal verb and it can be reduced:
kən aɪ bi fræŋk

I read this in an American accent book:
When a word ends in a consonant and the next word begins with a vowel, connect the final consonant to the next vowel, making it sound as if the second word starts with a consonant
So, I linked Can with I:

n_aɪ bi fræŋk

I'm not sure about the word stress, tough. I know, we have two content words: "be" is a verb and "frank" is an adjective. Are both stressed?

Any suggestion is appreciated.
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