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Unread Jan 16th, 2005, 04:38 am
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Thumbs up The SLAM Game (OR my favorite game ever!!!)

I can play this game at least once every 4 classes and the kids are always excited!

This is good for practicing new vocab and short sentences (ie. He has a ball.)

Flashcards (4 - unlimited)
Tables (arranged to form semi circle or 'U' shape

How To Play
  • Divide the class into 2 teams
  • Arrange the desks into a semi circle
  • Line up each team at the end of each semi circle.
  • Layout between 4 & 8 flashcards around the perimeter of the semi circle.
  • When you say "Go" one student from each team slams each flashcard and says the language you intended to practice. The students keep slamming and speaking moving around the semi circle, toward the other team.
  • When the 2 students who started finally "run into each other" they stopsaying the cards and they have a Rock Scissors Paper "Showdown".
  • The winner continues slamming flashcards in an effort to reach the other team.
  • The loser goes to the back of the line of their own team.
  • A point is scored when a student slams all the cards and reaches the other team.

I usually play to 3-5 points, depending on the difficulty of the language. This game is great if you have a class that is quiet or you have students who don't speak a lot. Eventually the excitement of the game will make the quietest students scream the answers.

I hope this makes sense.

Have fun!
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