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Unread Mar 30th, 2007, 09:22 pm
HUE HUE is offline
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Default Re: Reading - a great way to improve your English

Reading, and extensive reading at that, is a great way for students to build vocabulary, and see words and grammar in context. It's always easier to remember new language when seen as part of a whole (as opposed to a single sentence, or a series of disconnected sentences).

At first, many of my students say that reading is too difficult; or it takes too much time; or they aren't sure how much of the material they actually understand. But because an author tends to use similar words, sentence patterns, or phrases, the reading gets easier.

Of course, it's always a good idea to work into a lesson discussion activities, comprehension activities, etc., even if the reading is homework. It gives students the opportunity to confirm their understanding, as well as use some of the vocab and grammar from the reading.

I'm curious Jeremy. What kind of stories do you write for your students, and for what levels do you design most of your materials?
Chris Cotter
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