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Unread Mar 25th, 2007, 01:56 pm
jellybeanenglisch jellybeanenglisch is offline
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Default encourage ESL kids

Hi. Here is a cry for help to all those experienced ESL teachers out there who know how to handle the following situation: I have been teaching 3rd graders for a couple of months, 10 kids in the class, 3 of them boys, the rest girls. 2 of the boys left the ESL program because they thought (according to the parents) thatsoccer is cooler than learning English... as a matter of fact I was not too unhappy about that since those 2 were constant troublemakers. Now the last remaining boy is quite upset about his friends leaving and although he is very bright and polite enough, I feel he'd rather NOT be in the class. How can I encourage him other than include him in any way I can and have him involved in activities etc.? Any idea for some pep talk?
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