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Unread Jun 11th, 2013, 03:45 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: that, which or nothing

Not necessarily always "the". In all of these examples, either the definite or indefinite article is possible. "the" would indicate there was only one, while "A/An" would suggest there was more than one. So (as always!) the speaker would decide what s/he wanted to mean. Eg if the speaker knew that Alcácer was the only tax collection center in the valley, then Until 844, Alcácer functioned as the center for the collection of taxes in the lower Sado valley But if s/he knew there were several centres, of which Alcácer was just one, then Until 844, Alcácer functioned as a center for the collection of taxes in the lower Sado valley The same with all the others.

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