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Unread Jun 3rd, 2013, 06:14 am
daniel84 daniel84 is offline
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Default Improve your English pronunciation with Saundz!

Greetings to everyone,

I would like to share with you what I recently discovered: If you have some English knowledge but you have trouble with the English pronunciation then will help you..

If you don't see the differences between "sheep" and "ship" in the pronunciation, then you can likely cause a big misunderstanding in the conversation.

That's why they developed saundz online application to assist those who need a help about English pronunciation.. They also have a rich blog with posts where you can inform about correct pronunciation..

Saundz is the first software in Windows 8 App store that thoroughly and systematically teaches all sounds of American English and helps non-native speakers reduce their accents...

I hope this post will help to those with pronunciation problems, and i expect from you to post here impressions and opinions about that app

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