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Unread May 21st, 2013, 06:53 pm
joshg696 joshg696 is offline
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joshg696 is on a distinguished road
Exclamation Need help with grammar on TEFL

Hi I have a list of questions which I have need answered for my GrammarAdvisor test. I have sat the test twice already, both time getting 67%, which is just under the pass mark. I cant find the answers anywhere, so i was hoping some of you guys might know better. Here are some below:

Use the following dialog to answer questions 67 & 68.

Zach: I’ll be there in 20 minutes. I’m stopping at the store to pick up some batteries. Do you need anything?
Mike: Will you buy some coffee for me? I’ll pay you back when you get here.

67. Which of the following statements about Zach’s dialogue is true?
All three sentences use future form and meaning.
All three sentences use present form and meaning.
Two sentences use future form, but one has future meaning.
One sentence uses future form, but two have future meaning.
68. Which statement about Mike’s dialogue is true?
Two meanings of will are shown in his statements.
One meaning of will is shown.
One statement is a plan and one a prediction.
Both statements are predictions.

Imagine a student has asked you why a particular tense was chosen for each of the following statements. Select the best answer.
Hint: Each answer is used once.
69. Zach has known Mike for about a year.
Use the present perfect when the exact time of a past repeated
action isn’t important.
Use the past perfect to show the sequence of two past actions.
Use the future perfect to show the sequence of two future actions.
With stative verbs, use the present perfect for actions that began in
the past and continue until this time.
70. They’ve played music together at a local club several times.
Use the present perfect when the exact time of a past repeated
action isn’t important.
Use the past perfect to show the sequence of two past actions.
Use the future perfect to show the sequence of two future actions.
With stative verbs, use the present perfect for actions that began in
the past and continue until now.
71. Mike had played at the club as a solo act before they played there together.
Use the present perfect when the exact time of a past repeated
action isn’t important.
Use the past perfect to show the sequence of two past actions.
Use the future perfect to show the sequence of two future actions.
With stative verbs, use the present perfect for actions that began in
the past and continue until now.
72. They will have made about $225 when they get their next check.
Use the present perfect when the exact time of a past repeated
action isn’t important.
Use the past perfect to show the sequence of two past actions.
Use the future perfect to show the sequence of two future actions.
With stative verbs, use the present perfect for actions that began in
the past and continue until now.
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