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Unread Mar 15th, 2007, 08:35 am
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Default Re: Employing teachers

Quote clivehawkins
No, none of that here I'm afraid. If the contract is with a British agency there may be some incentive with flights etc but a local contract will be money for the hours done and stop. The contract will also be for the school year, not the calendar year - so 9 months of money and then a long penniless summer.

The going rate for a first year teacher is roughly 14 - 15 euros an hour, pre tax. That generally goes up to around 20 for someone with more experience, qualifications etc. (But you need to hunt around!) It's rare that the larger schools pay this - they feed off the first year teachers.

Sounds to me that in Korea a teacher can actually make decent money. Here it seems more like teachers can get by.

wanna swap?
Well it's always interesting to hear about teaching in Europe because that is where we will end up in a few years. It's true that the money here is good (I won't tell you how much I make as it would make you guys sick ) but that will all change later on. Hence the reason why I am doing my MA in TEFL via distance learning through the University of Birmingham.

Clive, how many hours a week will you be able to offer the teacher? Would they be totally full time or part time? I work in three places as a part time teacher and the student numbers for one school in particular has gone through the roof. They might start looking for a full time teacher soon and if they do I will be finished Oh well there are so many schools looking for me

Italy would be a cool place to go to but we really have our heart set on Austria, especially Vienna. Have you travelled around Europe much since you have been in Italy? Pompei would be cool to go to!
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