Quote livinginkorea In Korea you have to offer housing and flights too but it's probably different there. What are the wages for a month there? |
No, none of that here I'm afraid. If the contract is with a British agency there may be some incentive with flights etc but a local contract will be money for the hours done and stop. The contract will also be for the school year, not the calendar year - so 9 months of money and then a long penniless summer.
The going rate for a first year teacher is roughly 14 - 15 euros an hour, pre tax. That generally goes up to around 20 for someone with more experience, qualifications etc. (But you need to hunt around!) It's rare that the larger schools pay this - they feed off the first year teachers.
Sounds to me that in Korea a teacher can actually make decent money. Here it seems more like teachers can get by.
wanna swap?