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Unread Mar 14th, 2007, 06:20 am
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Default Re: Employing teachers

here are a few things i learned working under a bad coordinator and then taking on that position myself.

seek the teachers' advice concerning things like the schools' text and other choices that directly effect them.

be a nice schedule maker. avoid split shifts. if your teachers would like this, try to have teachers teaching out of the same books (ie. 1 teacher teaches all level 1 books, teacher 2 teaches all level 2 books, etc). that is if your teachers would like to do that.

have monthly meeting to keep teachers updated on what's going on, let them know what's coming up in the future and most importantly, to get their feedback about things. as a manager/owner, there will be times when you lose touch with what's going on on the front lines. try to keep up to date with things the teachers are having issues with.

if you value your teachers and want them to stay longer than 1-2 years, make sure you can offer some incentive for them to stay with your school. this may be money. maybe more time off. (i always chose the latter.)

finally, keep the lines of communication open between you and the teachers. make democratic choices when necessary but don't be afraid to say, "this is how it's got be" in other cases.

hope that helps...
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