Re: New Teacher here; classroom management help please! Hi,
Wow, you have a tough situation on your hands. If this student is hitting others, and especially you, then he has much bigger problems than some simple classroom management tricks can fix. I would start by talking with your director/principal about this student, letting them know very clearly that this student is physically hurting others and he is a safety risk. The next step would probably be to have the student's parents in for a meeting with you and your director/principal to find out why this student is hitting and decide on some serious consequences that the parents and school gives to the student every time the student hits or breaks a serious rule. Possible consequences might be: an immediate phone call to the parent, the parent must pick up the child to take home, child has timeout in director's office, etc. In this way, you will be able to continue meeting the English needs of the rest of your class, the students will be safe, and the problem student will learn to change their behavior with consistent consequences.
Hope this helps!
Last edited by little sage : Apr 15th, 2013 at 10:30 am.
Reason: self-promotion link removed from post