Hiya all,
Thought I would start this forum after brainstorming the idea with the Korean missus of starting a business over here in Korea. I have looked at so many Hagwons here in Korea and think, "if they can do it (and earn a nice salary) why can't I?".
So, I am thinking that in the next 12 months I would like a nice small teaching business set up here in Korea. However, I have no idea what is needed in Korea to set the business up. Can anyone point me in the right direction or organisation to setup a business in Korea? Are Korean nationals pretty happy for foreigners (us Weigooks) to setup a business? Nonetheless, my wife's friend is an accountant so taxation is not a problem it is more to do with the opportunity for foreigners to setup businesses abroad, especially in Korea. I suppose the business will be viewed as an SME (Small Medium Enterprise) with two people employed (myself and my wife).
If anyone has experience setting up a business in Korea please let me know or PM me as I have a couple of questions.
Many thx. (Can't believe I am thinking about this whilst I am relocating and have dozens of things to do).