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Unread Mar 8th, 2007, 07:52 am
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livinginkorea livinginkorea is offline
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Default Re: Currently Seeking Pro Work

Hi WB,

Good to hear that you took your time about that job. I am the same as you when I finish one job and try to get another I am kinda nervous and in a hurry to get it but I have learned that there is always a great job around the corner. Take your time. Seriously slow down! You are in no hurry. Play around with the job market a bit and never feel sorry for not taking a job. That is their idea, to make you feel sorry so that they can get you for a cheaper price. If you look too eager to get any job than they will win. It's totally a teacher's market now. I have been getting offers every week for the last 6 months!! I have quit my morning kids class as they didn't have as many hours as they said they had when I started. Eventhough that job itself was good I am in Korea for two things - money and study. Later when I go to Europe teaching, it will be for my other reasons.

Why are you thinking about getting a full time job? If your wife is a Korea or Korean descent (like mine) then you can get an F-2 Visa which allows you to work part time jobs. That's exactly what I am doing now. I'm my own boss and pick the jobs that I want to do. In that way I can teach the schools and students that really want me and my skills and also it allows me to teach kids and adults. Now I have an offer from a hagwon teacher to teach them reading and writing. That will be an interesting project if I take it but having a job like this allows me to be picky and take my time.

So forget about the full time jobs and get a part time one today!!!

Let me know how the search goes on and if you get anything in Suwon
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