Quote livinginkorea It's interesting that this country is so conservative but cares only about "stamina." What do you say about that Eric?  |
The contradictions in life here are amazing and confusing! It's been fascinating to me since the day I arrived and i have come no closer to making any sense of any of it. i just chalk it all up to living overseas.
Why is sex so taboo yet adult pc rooms, adult stores, "coffee girls", adult karaokees and the like exist every?
Education is so important yet why do many schools hire teachers based on appearance instead of qualifications?
When family is so important in korea, how can families send their pre-teens abroad for years at a time to study in a foreign country?
There are so many other contradictions yet i can't think of most of them now. i always come across them day to day. maybe i'll post more as i remember...
anyway, these things make life very interesting in korea. I guess our own countries also have these contradictions though they are harder to see with our eyes.
sorry to hijack the thread...