Re: Your strategies for large classes Does anybody have any suggestions for my situation?
I regularly have to do short games (10-15 minutes) as part of ceremonies and events for the entire primary school. This means I have 400 students, from grade 1-5, who need to do something in a short period of time and with minimal disruption to the flow of proceedings. It also needs to be appropriate for all children from 6-10 years old.
Additionally, I sometimes have to do 35 minute classes to single grades (50-90 Ss)
The events are held in a gym. I have access to materials, assistants and a PA system.
Games which have worked so far are:
Chinese whispers
Fruit salad (Ss make a big circle and ask questions. Ss who say "yes" must change places. Teacher says "fruit salad" and everyone changes)
Simon says
Picture / text dictation.
Whats the time Mr Wolf
Harry Potter tag. (Voldemort tags someone and gets them to do something. Harry frees students)
That's about all I've done so far and I'm running out of ideas for activities that would be appropriate for this difficult situation. In some of the above activities if I don't have time to mix the grades I have to allocate bonus points for younger grades to make it even.
Thanks for your input |