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Unread Dec 29th, 2006, 10:00 pm
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livinginkorea livinginkorea is offline
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Default Re: Classroom Interaction

This is the question that I will do...

"Devise a project investigating an aspect of interaction in your classroom, using one of the observation systems you have read about (or a modified version). Explain and justify your choice of
observation instrument, as well as any modifications you feel it necessary to make to the orginal instrument. Write a report on your findings."

I plan to start writing my project paper on Monday or Tuesday and will show the difference in the amount of interaction between students in pair work and students in group work activities. I hope that it's an interesting topic to do and that it will get decent marks. I will take some stats from one of my classes and hopefully show that either pair work or group work provides more interaction than the other.

Any comments or ideas?
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