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Unread Jul 13th, 2012, 03:49 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: in the Russian society

As always, it depends entirely on the context and the meaning. Does the sentence refer to the country? And is it a generic statement If so, then "the" is incorrect. it should be eg : This is undoubtedly an important value in Russian society.

But if the meaning is specific then "the" is necessary : ....a style that was characterized by dark irony and cutting social commentary that incisively dissected the Russian society of the day,

And if "society" means an association, it would be fine :

Each language department has its own society, dedicated to the culture of the country. Anybody can join, even if they're not studying the language. the largest is the French society wit 250 members. The others aren't so big - for example, there are only 10 people in the ussian society.


By 1916, the number of women serving as sisters of mercy in the Russian Society of the Red Cross was nearly 25,000.

Always specify the full context. It's impossible to assess how acceptable a phrase is without seeing how it is used.
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