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Unread Dec 19th, 2006, 09:38 pm
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Default Re: What level of English should a non-naive teacher have?

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I guess what I was getting at is that English can be removed from culture in certain ways.

Take the situation here in Malaysia for example. English is used as the language of business in the private sector. Hence a non-native learner is taught by a non-native teacher to use English as a communication tool with other non-native speakers. The style of English spoken would be 'Malaysianised' in certain ways. Hence the teacher need not be an expert in the culture of an English speaking country.
With those business men learning English they would have to know how to act in certain formal situations. For example is some countries you can't sit in the seat facing the door whereas in other countries it's fine. In Korea the younger man must pour drink for the older or higher position man. Every country has certain things like that and I always teach that to my students. It's definitely important.
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