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Unread May 5th, 2005, 07:49 am
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Quote sighisoara
try Stand Out. Each level is really half a level above what it says, but outside of that, it's great. I've met the authors: one is an ESL Instructor and the other is a ESL computer specialist. The book has been so well received by local colleges & adult ed programs here in California that other books (including side by side, interchange, etc) are considered re-formatting their series to mirror Stand Out. And, I know many teachers don't bother to get the teacher's guide for most books, but for stand out, do it. It is the easiest, best put together, user-friendly, lists all the various standards (casas, calla, adult ed esl standards, etc) for each activity, and covers all the basic functional language plus extras.
that sounds sweet! how long has the book been around? i'll look for it next time im at the bookstore.

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