Thread: Just asking
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Unread Jun 11th, 2012, 10:09 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: Just asking

There are two possible constructions :

a) make + someone + verb + adjective
b) make + object + adjective

In your example, both constructions are possible, but here, the relevant verb is "feel" not "be". When an adjective already describes a feeling, then you can say either :
a) You make me me feel happy/sad/angry. etc
or just :
b) You make me me happy/sad/angry etc.

But sometimes the adjective describes not a feeling but a quality, like eg important/useless. Notice the difference : if you feel happy, you are happy - but it's possible to feel important/useless etc without really being like that. In this case you must include the verb feel :
a) She makes me feel important/useless
The (b) construction is not possible here.

So, the grammar gives us the possibility to distinguish between the two - what we feel and therefore are, and what we feel but may not in reality be.
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