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Unread Dec 12th, 2006, 07:29 am
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livinginkorea livinginkorea is offline
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Default Re: What level of English should a non-naive teacher have?

Totally agree with you whistleblower. Many times we seem to think the same about Korea!

Koreans aren't racist they are just narrow minded and don't believe for a second that any waegook (foreigner) could learn their "scientific" langauge. This is the reason why I have stopped learning Korean because even if I speak it or not, people react the same - totally bewilderment (sp?) and respond to me in English or Konglish.

Many of my friends or old students have told me that when they went to school they were told what was right and wrong for all subjects. They was only black and white, no grey They were told that only Korea has four seasons, that it's ok to call an African-American a ni**ar (according to two students), that all white people are american, the coloured autumn leaves are only in Korea and that everybody loves Korea. Nobody could agrue with the teacher and just accept it. Very sad but the system has to change or else more and more students will be going to private schools or other countries.
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