Thread: 60, 90, or 120
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Unread Dec 12th, 2006, 07:16 am
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Default Re: 60, 90, or 120

I teach some kindy class too so 20 minutes a class there. One school has 45 minutes for one class which is so hard as the kids are getting so bored but I interacted with them a lot more last week and was extra funny (I'm a funny teacher ) and it seemed to work. I was so tired after the class though and still had another 4 hours in the afternoon to teach!

The rest of the classes are elementary and middle school students which are all under 50 minutes in length. I'm not teaching any adults at the moment and I really want to but for the money I'm teaching the kids. I feel that if I don't teach any adults soon then I'll become a kid!

For adults and one to one classes they were usually 50 minutes or 90 minutes long. I taught a special government class before when I arrived in Korea first for 120 minutes for 2 months. That was the longest class I had but I had two co-teachers with me in class (20 students, 3 co-teachers) which was great for the kids.
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