Quote mesmark Also, try to take them home as much as you can. That's a really good place for them to see the need to speak English, since their family and cousins abroad can't speak Italian. |
Well Mesmark, that is what I really plan on doing with my son. Every six months I am planning an overseas trip to the UK for Korean students and hopefully this will also be a chance for my son to travel to the UK and identify with his home country where he was born. Of course, I have MSN Messenger and my son loves interacting with my relatives with that. That is when I hear his English, or should I say Konglish (a mixture of both).
Anyways, I have a question. I was wondering at what age do children associate numbers and patterns within numbers? I am asking because I dropped my kid off for Kindergarten and he was looking at the falling numbers in the elevator until we reached the first floor and he was shouting the numbers in Korean (일, 이, 삼, 사 etc). I was amazed because he is like 2 years and 10 months and I was always slow with maths when I was young.