Very interesting topic. I have met many Koreans who are trying to pass for a gyopo having only spent a month in Australia or something like that. Just like whistleblower I have one boss who speaks very little English, extremely little to be the owner in all honestly, who deals with native English teachers. He just gives me the schedule and pays me on time so it's all good
Also in Korea there are some Universities in Canada that are not accepted by the educational office to be native teachers of English here. But the governemt want to have a native teacher in all schools before 2008 (probably changed now) but that is not going to happen unless they start treating English teachers with more respect.
I have worked in the public schools too and see how my co-teachers are looked down upon by their "homeroom" counterparts. They are the last to find out everything and the levels are so important here it's mind blowing. So there has been some resentement towards native teachers, even going so far as the teachers assocation asking the government to use the money that they have for hiring and housing native teachers to send them to the US, Australia, Canada, Uk etc so that they can have the same level as native teachers. Of course nobody has thought, you will teach English when all the Korean English teachers are gone training!!