So, yikes, 2 hours is way, way too long for this age group! I have to agree but seeing as you're stuck with it, the only way out is through

I understand that you have tried a variety of games and there have been some excellent ideas posted by other teachers so I won't add to them. However, have you thought about storytelling? Children love listening to stories and you'll be amazed at how much they can understand with a little vocabulary and lots of pictures.
Once you've drilled the words the school has given you and maybe played some flashcard games, could you put them into a simple story with pictures? For ex: if your children already know colours and animals from previous lessons, you could always tell a story like Dr Seuss's "One fish, two fish, three fish, blue fish". You can even make up your own story and get the children to draw the pictures or use a book that already exists (like the one I mentioned above). Instead of just reading it, you could make mistakes while reading and say something like "One red fish" while pointing to the blue fish because children love to point out "no, one BLUE fish". They can count the fish with you and even touch them or point to them while you are reading. The trick is to get them involved in the telling of the story so that they remain interested and have fun while learning.
Variety is the keyword here. Try and divide your lesson into some flashcard activites, noisy games, storytelling, quiet miming games and then maybe a little worksheet involving listening, not reading. It could be a picture of a zoo with animals and you could say "the horse is red, the fish is blue" so that the children colour in according to what you are saying.
Hope this helps!