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Unread May 8th, 2012, 02:16 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: how to address other students in group discussion

I presume you mean if you want to refer to each other, saying something like "I don't completely agree with what XXX said." it would be impolite to use he/she before using the name. So I suggest you ask :
A : I don't completely agree with what.... I'm sorry I don't know your name?
B : Carlo
A: ... with what Carlo said.

Remeber that in examinations (I'm thinking of those like PET, FCE etc) you are marked on the naturalness of your speech and interaction with each other. So being able to do this fluently would be a point in your favour. You'd get a much lower mark if you just "monologued" on the topic when you were supposed to be interacting in discussion.
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