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Unread Dec 1st, 2006, 07:24 am
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livinginkorea livinginkorea is offline
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Default Re: Memorable Students

Quote Whistleblower
I have had my first Kindergarten student leave today. I got back from Seoul to the school to catch the end of the kindergarten class. This girl had been at the school for about a year. She was about five when she started learning and had no idea or concept of English. She was constantly speaking Korean to me and I would look at her thinking, "I wish I knew what you were saying"! Anyhow, she was really a clever girl and she had left knowing her alphabet, numbers, colours, months, days, weeks, year, herself, other people and life. She was able to speak like a kid in the UK would who is four years old. It was so sad to say goodbye to her. This was the first student that brought a tear to my eye when she had had to go. It is so rewarding teaching.
You should have said that your CELTA interview if it happened earlier
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