Hi again Meggy,
I've just found
this site for conversation classes - it gives great long lists of questions you can ask on lots of topics. It's a nice springboard, but I think would be pretty boring if you just ploughed through the list. Try it like this :
- Give the whole list to the students (delete any which are above their language proficiency though) and ask them to choose three (or five - depends how many people there are in the class and how long you want to spend on the activity.Twenty mins would be about right) which they want to ask to all the other members of the class.
- When they're ready they stand up and circulate - each person only asks the three questions s/he's chosen, but of course they'll be answering different questions, the ones the others have chosen.
- When they finish each person reports back on something like : What was the most interesting (or strangest, or funniest, or most unexpected - whatever) thing you found out?