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Unread Feb 27th, 2012, 09:58 pm
Ana laura Ana laura is offline
eslHQ Zealot
Join Date: Feb 9th, 2009
Location: Argentina
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Ana laura is on a distinguished road
Question before the horse has bolted

Hi there!

It's me again and I would appreciate if you could help me understand the meaning of the following phrase, it was used by a radio presenter the other day...

He was talking about a protest that was recently taking place in London and he said:

''I don't want to announce it before the horse has bolted''

I know this comes from the idiom 'to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted'' and I already know what it means but I'd like to know why he expressed it in that way and what he meant by that.

I hope I made my point clear

Thank you very much in advance
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