Quote mesmark The sad part is that the Japanese school system has become reliant upon the after school (private) system to sustain the level of education, IMO. |
It's not just where you are - don't worry. Here in Sardinia the number of kids who take private English courses on top of the stuff they do at school is astounding. Astounding in the sense that it's actually necessary - I've seen the stuff the state school teachers are doing with the kids. They, the teachers, seem unaware of the level or what the kids are capable of. Upper intermediate level readings for kids that struggle to put a present simple question together.
I had one boy who came to me with the lesson he had just done on the verb HAVE. In an hour they did have and have got as well as have as the auxilliary for the present and past perfect. On top of that was also have to for obligation. I mean, what's that all about? Poor kid didn't have a clue.
But it seems acceptable for some strange reason. Private schools offering 'catch-up' school and university courses are springing up like mushrooms. Clearly there's a demand.