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Unread Nov 16th, 2006, 05:20 am
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Clive Hawkins
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Default Re: When to say 'no'.

Quote susan53
I'm in Milan, Clive. Which probably means higher prices than in Sardinia - but that works both ways : higher income, but also higher cost of living .... and no beach
Just in case anyone is curious, most teachers in private language schools here in Cagliari get between 15 and 19 euros an hour (gross) depending on experience and qualifications.
Work at the University is paid at 31 gross and there are some government courses that pay a bit more again.

An average teacher will work around 25 hours in the school, so taking home somewhere in the region of 1400 per month. This is October to June. October, December, April are short months ie there are holidays so you'll earn less. Holidays are rarely paid and neither are days off sick.

The average rent for a small appartment is around 400-500 per month plus bills. You can certainly survive but the tough part comes in the summer when most schools are closed - 3 months without a pay cheque is no joke.

Is it the same where you teach? A lot of you are in Korea it seems - how are things there?
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