Quote little sage If you go by car, within a few hours' drive of Soraksan and Sokcho there are some caves, Hwanseondonggul near the town of Sancheok, which were pretty cool. First you climb up a mountain, then you enter the cave from up there, and walk on trails through 60+ minutes worth of underground rock formations. If you spend the full hour or so there, you will begin to see shapes in the rock.
On our vacation 2 years ago, along the road to get to the caves, we passed a massive new museum of geology that was not yet finished being built. I'm sure it's completed now, and it looked to be a grand grand place. I should really find out the name of it, if I intend to go back.
Also, somewhere along the coastal highway we passed a North Korean spy submarine-turned tourist attraction which you walk through. The fun never stops in the north east! |
Kangwon provence is much better than Kyeunggi do. Are you a fan of Sashimi or in Korean Whey. The stuff in Sockcho is really fresh and cheap. You actually have sandy beaches out there too.