Quote carda The German (business students) use a pseudo present perfect when they mean the past; i.e., I have parked my car on the road because I couldn't find a free space in the parking lot. That's because the German spoken past tense uses the "have."
A good game for the present perfect: the mes-english "get four"! |
Hi there,
I think I must be a bit thick!! I''ve had a look at the Get Four game on MES-English - but I don't get how it works!!
The students put a mark in a square and then make a sentence using the two parts of the sentence (from the two edges of the board that lead to that square). But how does the game work? Can they only put their mark in the square if the sentence is right? IF it's like battleships, shouldn't students mark lots of squares and the opposing group has to make a sentence to try to guess where the opponenents have marked their squares? I don't understand the interaction between the different teams. It doesn't explain it well on the site - or I'm thick!!! Please help