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Unread Jan 25th, 2012, 06:33 am
sweet tooth sweet tooth is offline
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sweet tooth is on a distinguished road
Default Re: first time teaching almost 3 year olds

This is great advice! Iīve been trying to follow it as best I can. Iīve also checked out Louanne Piccoloīs site Teaching English Lesson Plans which have some really great ideas and links to other articles & sites. Iīve now got some new flashcard ideas as tend to get stuck doing the same ones. I have two classes of 3-5 yr olds, one class is smaller and only has 5 kids in it and the other class has about 9 kids. I find the bigger class is much more difficult and are not very responsive.They are a bit dreamy and donīt want to do things, they say no, or just donīt join in for example when singing (they donīt even do the actions!).Iīm finding it a real struggle and I donīt think they are learning anything!!!!
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