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Unread Nov 15th, 2006, 01:38 am
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Clive Hawkins
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Default Re: When to say 'no'.

Quote livinginkorea
About two years ago I was working at this private institute and since I was too easy then I was walked all over and ended up doing 50 classes a week. Yep 10 classes from Monday to Friday and they wanted me to work Saturday as well.
That's insane! Have the people who run these institutes ever taught? It seems not. You just end up with tired, grumpy resentful teachers.

As teachers we're lucky in some respects that it's fairly simple to work a little extra if you need a little extra money. Private lessons are never hard to come by and you can pretty much pick and choose what you do. It's difficult to do the same if you're a secretary or shop assistant. However, going back to the original point, at some stage 'no' is the only answer. Otherwise you just end up burnt out and another casualty on the TEFL scrapheap.
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