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Unread Nov 14th, 2006, 02:17 am
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Clive Hawkins
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Default Re: what would you be doing?

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But plans change and I lovve teaching. Plus the stress is much lower here. If I make a mistake at my current job, someone goes away spelling a word wrong. However, if I made a mistake at the pharmacy, I needed to call a lawyer at best.
Yes, you're absolutely right. Our mistakes are easily rectified and you get time to do it. In my last job if I made a mistake with the price \ lead times \ material it could cost hundreds of thousands of pounds (and my job!)

The stress is different in teaching though. With other jobs you can switch off when you get home but I find even in the evening and sometimes during the night ( ) I'm fretting about lessons \ ideas etc. Maybe that's just because I've got too much going on at the moment.
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