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Unread Nov 13th, 2006, 05:06 pm
mesmark mesmark is offline
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Join Date: Mar 27th, 2005
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Default Re: what would you be doing?

Well, I'm a pharmacist originally. I came to Japan in 1999 with the idea that I'd be here for a few years learn Japanese and go back to the States. I was hoping to get a job with a pharmaceutical company in sale/marketing/research upon return.

But plans change and I lovve teaching. Plus the stress is much lower here. If I make a mistake at my current job, someone goes away spelling a word wrong. However, if I made a mistake at the pharmacy, I needed to call a lawyer at best.

So, if I had never come over here, I would probably be in a pharmacy. If I had gone back like I intended I might be working as a businessman in some pharmaceutical company.

I love the way it has turned out!
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