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Unread Nov 8th, 2006, 07:30 pm
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livinginkorea livinginkorea is offline
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Default Re: Teaching the l and r sound

In Korea it's the same. They can't distinguish between l and r because they have a letter than is in between both of them called rial (like the digit 2) which is so similar but the tongue is placed in the middle of the mouth.

To explain this to the students I often draw then a simple picture and write l, r and rial under it and use some arrows to show that when you say l your tongue is up, when you say r your tongue is down and when you say rial it's in the middle of your mouth.

It's such a common mistake here. Similar mistakes can be v, p and b which again is all similar sounding to them. Always remember no matter what the sound is you have to express it more than usual so that the students can understand it more.

Hope that this helps
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