(I have split my post into two as it's long)
Also, you said in another thread that you are married to a Korean? What type of visa do you have? If you have a marriage visa then you can easily move and get another job without having to leave the country and you can get as many jobs as you want. If you want to open your own school then I think that you have to do it under your wife's name as I don't think foreigners can open their own school in Korea yet (not so sure about it). Do you have any idea how much you will need to run a school. Seriously the advertising is the worse part. We are talking about a couple of 100 million won here. I knew a guy who had 50 million in a partnership and that went under very soon because they didn't have enough for advertising. With so many schools here it's all down to advertising.
Some guys have their wives as the manager and themselves as the teacher, teaching companies and private classes to mothers and students who want to work in their apartments and offices. Just advertise if there are apartments near you (none near me

) and you will always get some takers.
Just remember that if you are married to a Korean and have an F-2-1 Visa then you have the same rights as Koreans when it comes to employment. If the boss is treating you badly then you can just leave and find another job. With the normal teaching visa holders (E-2) they have to stay and take it or leave the country or get a letter of release (which their boss can refuse) or as a last resourt (which I had to do a long time ago) a midnight run, which is leaving the country without finishing the contract.
Hmm that's all I can think of now.