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Unread Oct 26th, 2006, 07:17 am
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Clive Hawkins
Join Date: Aug 1st, 2006
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Default Re: What's your favourite song to use in the classroom?

Quote Eric
Do you really let them listen to that? It gets pretty intense.
That raises an interesting point. How far do you go with swearing and 'offensive' slang? Clearly it depends on the group, but I've had classes where we've done songs with some strong language that we've later looked at together. It's always been pretty productive. I don't actively encourage them to use this language but I think they should at least understand it. After all, if they travel about they're going to hear it and need to know what it means.

Also, if they do want to use it they at least have a chance of getting it right!! I have a friend here in Italy that for years used the word 'wonker'. It never had the desired effect. People just laughed.
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