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Unread Oct 19th, 2006, 08:50 am
Pix Pix is offline
eslHQ Zealot
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Default Re: Classroom management (discipline)

I used to do a fair bit of tour leading, interspersed with my teaching and travelling lifestyle, and I discovered that positively the WORST listeners were teachers.

I dreaded the August trips which would invariably be full of teachers who were so used to doing all the talking and being listened to that they couldn't bear to have someone telling them anything.

The use of silence worked like a charm and would instantly shut them up, while trying to talk over them failed absolutely.
So silence is my number one trick for adults.

Using praise and giving positive attention or responsibility to the naughty ones is good although sometimes you just want to throw them out of the class but unfortunately you can't. Often people are naughty because they are bored so I give the naughty ones extra tasks like handing things out so they can't mess around in the meantime.

I split friends up if they muck about together and put naughty people at the front.

I also have the group in teams and deduct points for bad behaviour from the team so that encourages peer pressure to keep the naughty ones in line.
Kind regards
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