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Unread Oct 17th, 2006, 12:41 am
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Default Re: Teaching in Europe

Thanks clive, that post was really insightful. And here was I thinking that only the Korean government were con men!

To be honest I haven't been to Italy yet. Once of my cousins lived in Florence for about 6 months and loved it. I am thinking that anywhere in Europe would be nice to settle down eventually, it will come down to the money and if my wife can work there too. I am doing a masters now in TEFL so maybe that will open some more doors down the line.

My major concern is the enviroment. I got married this year and although we have decided not to have kids for at least a few years until we are in a stable enviroment and naturally good for kids. I come from Ireland but don't have any plan to go back there as work wise it might be difficult. Also my wife is a company teacher and if she got an Irish passport that would open the door for her in Europe but I think that she would have to live in Ireland to get the passport which would take two years I think.

It's a lot of moving around and thinking but nothing's going to happen for a while at least.
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