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Unread Oct 16th, 2006, 12:23 pm
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Clive Hawkins
Join Date: Aug 1st, 2006
Location: Italy
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Default Re: Teaching in Europe

Hi livinginkorea

I'm in Sardinia where the economy is taking a turn for the worse. For the first time in 7 years there are some teachers who are still looking to fill their hours, a good few weeks after the schools have started their courses. Having said that there have never been so many schools either, so the demand for courses must still be there.

Italy is a nice place to come but you need some patience. People will try to con you left, right and centre. It's impossible to get anyone in a public office to do anything. People say 'yes yes yes yes yes no. Sorry.' Bureaucracy is hellish.

The average pay here is around 16-18 euros GROSS, 31 if you get work at the university, although that could take a couple of years to come through.
Rents range from 300-450 euros for a one bedroom apartment and a night out (pizza and drinks after) will set you back about 35 euros.

It's not as cheap as it was before the euro was introduced and the wages haven't moved much.

Anyway, enough of us have married sardinians and stayed here so it can't be that bad.
If you come over drop me a line before and I'll see if I've got any vacancies.
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