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Unread Oct 11th, 2006, 08:11 pm
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livinginkorea livinginkorea is offline
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Default Re: what are your goals with readings

I did reading last term in my elementary school classes. It was really an experiment which failed with the fourth graders and worked with the 5th and 6th graders. I think the reason that it failed with the 4th graders was because they only had me every Friday and the material was a little too difficult for them. In Korea they are meant to be just speaking then, not reading much and certainly no writing but when they get to 5th grade then they do it all so I wanted to give them a head start. However time was the biggest factor, once a week is not enough.

For the 5th and 6th graders I had them twice a week so it was fine. In the beginning I used to check the reading with the entire class together and then pick a student or two and then quickly explain a word or two and then read the next page and then assign that page as homework. They had to read it twice and get their parents to sign it. However it was always the same students who wanted to read so then I started picking their student class numbers (1~40 one number per student) and that made it very interesting

A friend of mine used to read it to the students one word at a time which I disagreed with. I let my students try it first following my pointer on the projector and then I have them follow me. My friend never let them try it for themselves which isn't a good idea I think. Then again he never let the kids do anything!
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